Shopping from A to Z

A (apple) 

B (banana) 

C (chili)

D (dog food) 

E (eggplant)

F (fish) 

G (garlic) 

H (hairspray)

I (ice) 

J (junkfood) 

K (ketchup)

L (liver) 

M (matzoh) 

N (nuts)

O (onion) 

P (pizza) 

Q (qiuche)

R (relish) 

S (soap) 

T (tuna)

U (undies) 

V (veal) 

W (wieners)

X (nothing) 

Y (yams) 

Z (zippers)

I go shopping from A to Z

I go shopping from A to Z

I go shopping from A to Z

I go shopping, shopping, shopping

Shopping, shop, shopping

Good kids shop, bad kids shop

Shopping, shopping

Good kids shop, bad kids shop


I go shopping from A to Z

I go shopping from A to Z

I go shopping from A to Z

I go shopping, shopping, shopping

Shopping, shop, shopping

DISCLAIMER: Score PDF's are for study purposes only and should not be duplicated in any way. BTMSOC owns the appropriate number of musical scores for each piece for its members.
We do not own the rights to this music/song. All rights belong to the owner.


What’s Inside


Papaya, Papaya